Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Vortex opens and drops a Missing Item!

Yes, my keys have returned!!! Do you here the choir too??

The keys appeared while we were vacationing in the Paynetown Campground in southern Indiana! We were moving things around in our 1985 Pace Arrow and it was just like in the movies - Everything slowed to 1/10th speed, the choir sounded off, and there was a non-discript light that appeared out of nowhere. I jumped at the keys thinking it was either a trick or that the VORTEX would take them from me again. I moved with the speed of Mr. Miagi and snatched keys back!!! VICTORY is mine.

Now - What do I do with my replacement keyring?? Throw it in my key drawere and hold it for a spare? No - I carry it around hoping the VORTEX will take this one instead. I mean - you HAVE to offer the vortex something - RIGHT? Yeah, right now the key ring is somewhere. Its not lost, I just don't know where it is exactly. I 'hid' it somewhere in one of my 'TOO IMPORTANT TO PUT AWAY BUT DON'T WANT LOSE IT" places.

So for now, all is well.

Also Bobby G. and Phil M, thanks for the comments and I hope to see you soon!


Bob G. said...

A marvelous tale, well spun and with the perfect ending...

Or is it?
Perhaps a study as to the metallurgy of the formerly "lost keyring" will provide some much needed answers.
After all, when dealing with the vortex, and when it comes to Newtonian OR Einsteinian physics, all bets are off.
It has a "life" all it's own.

Catch 'ya on the flip side.


Carl H. said...

Keys are in similarity to Schoedengers Kittens! They do what they want to, but only when they belive they are not being watched - Kinda like the toys in Toy Story.

The keys knew when I had completely given up on finding them, so they put themselves right in my path so my only choice was to see them!

But now that I have them back what to talk about next....