Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Where has the time gone!

It has been over 2 months since I last posted here. I haven't had anything come up missing - short of bloggers-block, so I have been neglecting this site. I've been busy like most of us, but time still could have been carved out (Thanksgiving day - get it?).
My life is busy - here is a quick rundown. I have 3 kids, my oldest is 24 and he just moved into his first apartment first of this month. My oldest daughter and her husband are expecting our first grandchild - a girl. She is 8 months pregnant and is starting to have issues with serious water retention. My youngest, 18 years old and will be a January grad, is also pregnant - just 5 weeks behind her sister. Lets just say that antibiotics and birth control pills is a creationary issue.
I am in the final month of the Allen County Sheriff's Reserve academy, and with 3 days a week tied up with that, my yard work, vehicle mainenance, wood splitting, and house painting has been claiming most of my awake time. Not to mention my regular work schedule, neighborhood association meetings, Southwest Area Partnership meetings, and city BZA meetings.
I'm not complaining, just blogging. My wife has been an incredible help to me through all this. We have been through so much over our 24+ years of marriage, but these last several months have been humbling. She has helped me in so many ways, I cannot even begin to say.
My one friend that has been my best friend and confidant, has drifted away to a point that I don't know if we will ever be close again. We have been closer than close since 1987 when Lisa and I moved back after my time in the Army. And up until 2003, we didn't have so much as 1 disagreement. There were several little things, then one big thing that really hurt, so we severed all communication. It took almost a year, but we worked it out. But ever since then things didn't flow the same - if you know what I mean. This past year things seemed to have been slipping away again. Although nothing (as in problems) is happening, communication between us is getting very slim. Him and his wife both have cell phones, and both have the bluetooth thing in their ear all the time. I have watched him look at the number of the incoming call and ignore it many times. I can only imagine he has been doing that to me now for some time. This also wear on me. This past Sunday a baby shower was held for my older daughter. An invitation was sent. We never so much as got a phone call. Both of our families have had a tradition of going downtown and watching Santa Claus being turned on for over 10 years, then come back to our house for a pre-Thanksgiving day desertfest. At the downtown event, he and I acted as though everything was alright, but conversation was very weak and wasn't any deeper than you would have with a perfect stranger while on an elevator. His wife never said a word to me, but then again, I didn't say anything to her either. I asked him if they were coming over for the desertfest, to which he said they were. You guessed it - no show, no call.
I don't know where to go from here, but I still have other friends. But I don't have any that know me like he does, and where I can bounce my thoughts and troubles off of. Don't get me wrong, my life is great, but I'm just missing my old friend.
That is all for now...Happy Thankgiving to all...And lets all take time EVERY day to pray to God and our saviour, Jesus Christ and thank THEM for our very lives and everything in them!

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Glad to see you've been keeping out of trouble.

I've also gone through one of those "parting of the ways"...I still do what I can on MY part...the rest is up to him (my buddy).

The olive branch is always out.

You and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving as well.

(always count those socks)